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sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

Exploding texts

Hi everyone. Here Iam again. Today Iam gonna give you an idea to make your english improved. This is a hint also to my colleagues, devoted teachers, always concerned by being creative in class. Its called exploding texts, a creative writing.For example: Use one of the following sentences and 'explode' the text to make more and more complex sentences. Try to write five sentences that build on the previous sentence.
I have a book.
I have an interesting book.
I have an interesting book about frogs.
I bought an interesting book about frogs last week.
I bought an interesting, but expensive book about frogs at The Book Shoppe last Monday.
Choose from one of these sentences and do the same:She lives alone/They have a house/
John works in town/I am young/School is important.
You'll have fun while you are learning. Have a worderful day. Cléo.
(From the book 100 aulas, sem tédio).

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