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terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

With the fall of apartheid in South Africa Nelson Mandela tries to unite his countrymen and bring peace by bringing the Rugby World Cup to his country.In the film, with the same name, Mandela is Morgan Freeman (fantastic) directed by Clint Eastwood who wanted to pay a tribute to Mandela. Its an inspiring true story where Mandela shares this poem, Invictus with us,after telling us it had been inspiring to him during his time in prison, helping him to stand when all he wanted to do was to lie down. I do recommend this film.
Because I found it very inspiring indeed I brought this brilliant poem written by W.E.Henley, to you too. Enjoy. Cleo(Orion)
Invictus by William Ernest Henley

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