Be welcome to OES's blog. This is a blog specially made for you. Here you can learn, share knowledge, make a research,socialize, play some games and so on.In addition you'll find some tips on how to improve english language.Orion: english for you, english for everyone. Enjoy it.See you.
Postagens populares
English as a global language, a good or bad thing? by AnnaMaria Smolander The English language is everywhere. The language of most of ...
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quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010
1) I'm in charge of my career. (Lets go out and make things happen).
2) Anything is possible. (If I think good things are not for me, I'll never get them).
3) No task is too small to do well.
4) Everyone is a potential key contact. I have to be nice to those around me.
5) I act like I am in my dream job.
6) It is not only what I know but who I know. Networking is really important.
7) What else I can do? I show interest to help others in a new project, to improve a new idea.
8) I learn from my mistakes and I move on.
9) I am my own biggest fan. I can point out my achievements without sounding boastful.
10)My opportunity allert is always on. I keep my eyes, ears and mind open to the new.
I hope you have enjoyed. Good lucky. Cléo.
Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.
quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010
Class routine english glossary-Part One
Aprendizagem requer dedicação.
Em todas as atividades diárias é importante inserir e praticar aquilo que se quer aprender. No caso de uma lingua estrangeira já foi cientificamente comprovado que quanto mais dedicação, prática e incorporação em nossa rotina mais rapidamente absorve-se o conteúdo aprendido.
Existem frases frequentemente usadas em sala de aula "class routine english glossary"e algumas delas deixo aqui para serem lidas, copiadas, transcritas , estudadas com afinco e sobretudo usadas e comprendidas quando sugirem as oportunidades. Com o uso frequente farão parte de sua vida e fluirão normalmente.
1) abram o livro na página your books to page 35
2) adiar um teste para postpone a test until Thursday
3) escreva a lápis............................write in pencil
4) mais alguma coisa?..............any further questions?
5) antecipar um teste para move up a test to Wednesday
6) jot down
7) apague o quadro........... erase the board, please.
8) apontador...............pencil sharpener
9) lista de chamada..........roll call
10)fazer a de roll
(To be continued.....) Bons estudos. See you, Cléo.
terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Because I found it very inspiring indeed I brought this brilliant poem written by W.E.Henley, to you too. Enjoy. Cleo(Orion)
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Você sabia? / Did you know?
Did you know that learning to think in another language is not just a mental process. It is an ability that depends on respiration, motor coordination, ventilation in the brain, and the speed of thought? As an illustrative example, we can analyse the famous sentence “The book is on the table” which means “O livro está sobre a mesa”, in Portuguese. Compare the number of letters in the two sentences – 19 letters in English and 20 in Portuguese. Also compare the number of syllables – 6 in English and 10 in Portuguese! Taking respiration into account, the sentence in Portuguese is longer, since it has more sounds (syllables) than the English version. If we coordinate thought with language, we certainly have to think more rapidly to think in English since the sentence is spoken in less time (fewer syllables). And this change in the speed of speaking and thought is what is most difficult in developing competency in learning and thinking in English, since it is necessary to alter an old conditioning and accelerate the speed of one’s thoughts.
Translated into English by: Mary Ziller/English Experts.
segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010
Curiosidades e dicas sobre a língua inglesa
English is the richest language with the largest vocabulary—over 1,000,000 words—on earth. Yet the average adult has a vocabulary of only 40,000-50,000 words. Imagine what we're missing! Here are some strategies for unlocking the meanings of new words and a process for remembering the new words and their meanings.
You can often get at least part of a word's meaning from the way it's used in the sentence. So, when you come to an unfamiliar Word while reading, rather than first looking it up in the dictionary, try to figure out its meaning from the words around it. Often the author provides clues to help you unlock the general meaning.
"Perihelion is the point in the earth's orbit when the distance between the earth and the sun is at its minimum, as opposed to aphelion."
If your book has a glossary it will give you the specific definition for this field of study. A glossary, a mini-dictionary in the back of a text, contains only the definition that fits the use in this book.
apheloin The point in the earth's orbit when the distance between the earth and the sun is at its maximum.
To find exactly what a Word meais and we're it comes from look it up in the dictionary. The dictionary is a reliable source of definitions plus correct spellings, pronunciation, parts of speech and derivations. To use this resource book effectively however, you must understand the abbreviations it uses and the variety of information it includes. Since you may find a variety of definitions for a Word, always fit the definition back into the original context to be certain it makes sense.
n. pl -eleja [NL. fr. apo + Gk helios sun—more at solar]: the point of a planet's or comet's orbit most distant from the sun—compare perihelion
Knowing the parts of words—prefixes, roots, suffixes—helps you understand and unlock the meanings of whole families of words. A prefix is the part that's sometimes attached to the front of a Word; there are about 100 common ones. The root is the basic part of a Word; most of our root words come from Latin and Greek. A suffix is often attached to the end of a Word.
apo prefix from Greek meaning away from
helios comes from Greek meaning the sun
Now, other words with apo or helios start to make sense such as apolune=the point in the path of a body orbiting the moon that is farthest from the center or heliophyte=a plant thriving in full sunlight.
Read, Read
In addition to using these strategies it's important to read a variety of a materials. The more you expose yourself to new words, the more words you will learn.
Use the following strategy to help you remember new words:
Remembering New Words .Unless you actively work at reviewing and remembering each of the new words you encounter, you will have to rediscover the meaning each time you see the Word.
- Write each Word to be learned on a 3x5 card. - aphelion
- On the back of the card write the definition (the one that most closely fits the way the Word was used in your original sentence).
- \The point in the earth's orbit when the distance between the earth and the sun is at its maximum
- Below the definition write an example sentence using the Word.
The point in the earth's orbit when the distance between the earth and the sun is at its maximum.
On January 3 the earth is about 3 million miles closer to the sun than it is during aphelion on July 4.
- Use these cards for study, review, and testing yourself.
- Look at the Word and try to recall the definition on the back.
- Look at the definition and sample sentence and try to recall the Word on the front.
- As you go through the cards, sort them into two stacks: know and don't know. The next time you review, use only the "don't know" stack to concentrate your study.
- Periodically, review all the cards. Periodic review of information is critical to remembering.
- Look at the Word and try to recall the definition on the back.
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quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010
We do like English
Lots of fairy tales! - Read and listen to a traditional fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood! You like listening to stories, don't you? More fairy tales:, Sleeping Beauty, Snowhite,Peter Pan, The Ugly duckling,Aladdin,Cinderella,Goldilocks, The Little MermaidSinbad, the Sailor, ,Beauty and the Beast......ok, then, go to and enjoy.