
Postagens populares

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011

Health is the most important thing.

Health is the most important thing in our lives and happiness avoid hemourhage. So, let's do things that can make us feel better:
Getting moving: regular exercises : it releases endorphins or "happy chemicals" into the brain.
Helps depression
Gives more positive ourtlook.
lively social life: companionship are vital to help both psychological and physical well-being.
Relationships we form at church or in clubs improve our self-esteem.
little pleasures: a good song, a bar of chocolate, a shopping trip, a good book, enjoyable chat, meet interesting people.
Small pleasures can make people calmer, alleviated from stress, and provide positive health benefits.
Be happy! Live longer! Think about it.
Love, Cleo.

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