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sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

Seventh Art : Cinema

Thank God. It’s Friday.
Let's talk a bit about the Seventh Art: Cinema.
Since our goal is to learn and practice the English language, Cinema is also a great resource of learning once you can practice it while you're having fun.
First of all, you have to choose a movie you like very much.(You are going to watch it several times).
Second step: Watch the film in order to take a general Idea about the subject and about the whole story. Here you are allowed to use the subtitles.
In a third moment forget about the subtitles and focus on rhythm and sound of words , dialogues and on the body language as well.
Another tip is to put the subtitles in English and if any word that you don’t understand appears many times you can either write it down to check it out later or dare to infer it’s meaning in the context .
For the people who are crazy about old movies , attached you are going to find a video with the most beautiful and talented women movie stars.
Hope you enjoy. Have a nice weekend.

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