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quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2014

Improving every day


Among many others, the best investment is what we can do in our mind. The mental enrichment is the supreme and definitive heritage. Material goods can be stolen, but the investment that we make in our own mind no one can steal. If all our possessions  consist of material goods and we lose them,  in fact we remain without anything. However,  wisdom will always be our main patrimony, because despite  the circumstances it cannot  be taken from us and, through it, we can conquer everything else back. Knowledge is  the way which allows us to win back all over again.
Most of us, adults, certainly have been committed to be better as a person and having a healthy family life and a prosperous career. We take our work seriously always  researching our specialty, making improvements in order  to  achieve a reasonable degree of success. We could, however, have been much more successful,  since we had started  thinking like this when we were very young. If that had happened, we would have established goals,  planned  more.We would read more, research more  associated more with others, sought more information with experts, invested more in our development and, for sure , manage to deal much more efficiently with our money and our time.