Hi fellows. Recently I've seen this movie and I wd like pretty much to share the story with you.
With the fall of apartheid in South Africa Nelson Mandela tries to unite his countrymen and bring peace by bringing the Rugby World Cup to his country.In the film, with the same name, Mandela is Morgan Freeman (fantastic) directed by Clint Eastwood who wanted to pay a tribute to Mandela. Its an inspiring true story where Mandela shares this poem, Invictus with us,after telling us it had been inspiring to him during his time in prison, helping him to stand when all he wanted to do was to lie down. I do recommend this film.
Because I found it very inspiring indeed I brought this brilliant poem written by W.E.Henley, to you too. Enjoy. Cleo
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Be welcome to OES's blog. This is a blog specially made for you. Here you can learn, share knowledge, make a research,socialize, play some games and so on.In addition you'll find some tips on how to improve english language.Orion: english for you, english for everyone. Enjoy it.See you.
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sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2013
domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013
Quem quer embarcar nesta viagem?
Gostar de um idioma é o
princípio fundamental para o aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira. Muitas são
as estratégias, inúmeras são as opções para adquirir esse conhecimento. Uma
delas, talvez, a melhor, é permanecer num país que fale tal língua, por um
tempo considerável que vai depender do grau de facilidade ou dificuldade do
candidato. Para isso será necessário conhecimento prévio do idioma, básico para
sobrevivência e ter como objetivo tirar o máximo proveito do tempo empregado,
tentando conciliar estudo e trabalho. Como nem sempre é possível ausentar-se do
país pelo alto custo financeiro, por vínculos de emprego ou familiar, pode-se
optar pela imersão que acontece em feriados ou fins de semana. É um programa
diferenciado de aprendizagem que permite um aprofundamento na prática de língua
estrangeira, desenvolvendo e melhorando seu domínio.
Além das aulas tradicionais
em escolas especializadas, há cursos multimídias, livros e revistas, filmes não
dublados, noticiário internacional, letras de músicas preferidas, contos,
poesias, conversação com um nativo pela internet etc. A lista é interminável. O
segredo é não limitar-se apenas a uma atividade para evitar o tédio e para que
se possa trabalhar as diferentes habilidades: leitura, escrita, compreensão e
Um fator vital para a eficácia de qualquer estratégia de aprendizagem é a motivação; é entender e avaliar a importância na ampliação dos horizontes linguísticos, dado que alguns conteúdos necessários no mundo acadêmico, profissional ou social encontram-se disponíveis somente naquela língua estrangeira. Uma comunicação fluente em um segundo ou terceiro idioma aumenta consideravelmente a empregabilidade e ajuda nas promoções de carreira. Um aprendizado eficiente ocorre fazendo-se uso de um material rico, variado, lúdico que torna o estudo em momentos de prazer, de relaxamento e diversão. Dedicação é o ponto chave para obtenção de um conhecimento sólido. Praticar sempre, um pouco por dia, todos os dias. OrionEnglishStudio orionenglishstudio@gmail.com cleo.benitez@hotmail.com
Um fator vital para a eficácia de qualquer estratégia de aprendizagem é a motivação; é entender e avaliar a importância na ampliação dos horizontes linguísticos, dado que alguns conteúdos necessários no mundo acadêmico, profissional ou social encontram-se disponíveis somente naquela língua estrangeira. Uma comunicação fluente em um segundo ou terceiro idioma aumenta consideravelmente a empregabilidade e ajuda nas promoções de carreira. Um aprendizado eficiente ocorre fazendo-se uso de um material rico, variado, lúdico que torna o estudo em momentos de prazer, de relaxamento e diversão. Dedicação é o ponto chave para obtenção de um conhecimento sólido. Praticar sempre, um pouco por dia, todos os dias. OrionEnglishStudio orionenglishstudio@gmail.com cleo.benitez@hotmail.com
domingo, 3 de novembro de 2013
Job Hunting During the Holidays Is a Waste of Time? NO!
Many job seekers seem to wait until the New Year to get a “fresh start.” That is a VERY big mistake! January 2 starts the most competitive job market of the year!Reality: The Holidays Are a GREAT Time to Find a New Job
Although the holidays are the best time of the year to find “seasonal” work in retail, those jobs are NOT the only opportunities available. The holidays are actually a great time to hunt for a permanent job when you measure the real activity:- Only 1% more jobs were open in January and February (vs. November and December).
Using the number of job postings as a measure, January and February of 2013 showed only 1% more open jobs than the number for the preceding November and December, excluding the holiday seasonal jobs. - Only 3% more jobs were filled in January and February (vs. November and December).Using the number of jobs filled as a measure, January and February of 2013 exceeded the numbers for November and December of 2012 by only 3%, again excluding the holiday seasonal jobs.
- Job seekers drop out during November and December.Using traffic to job search related websites as a measure, the volume is typically lowest in November and December – lower than even in July and August, the most popular summer vacation months. Then, traffic usually skyrockets in January and February by as much as 100% or more as the post-holiday job seekers jump into the market.
- Employers are more desperate to fill jobs in November and December.
Using employer spending as a measure, employers are willing to pay more to promote their job postings in November and December than they are in January and February (when they have plenty of attention from job seekers).
4 Holiday Job Search Advantages
There are four primary reasons to continue your hunt for a job during November and December:1. Employers want to fill the openings before year end.
They want to be 100% staffed up for the start of the New Year to be well positioned to achieve their year’s goals. So, they want to fill those job openings in November and December.2. Fewer job seekers are competing for the same number of jobs.
I always cringe when a job seeker tells me that they are getting ready to launch their job search on January 2. That’s when everyone who is even considering getting a new job seems to take a look (New Year’s resolutions?). But, in November and December, those job seekers who are getting ready for January are not cluttering up the process, taking opportunities away from the people who are smart enough to be job hunting.3. Holiday gatherings offer more networking opportunities.
People do more socializing during the holidays. So, to celebrate the holidays, they throw parties, have big dinners, and attend other seasonal events. It’s “the time” to celebrate, so keep your job search in mind when you attend those gatherings.4. The holidays are a great excuse to reconnect.
Get back in touch with the people in your network you have lost contact with - friends, school pals, neighbors and former neighbors, co-workers and former co-workers, bosses and former bosses, etc. Make phone calls, reach out via email, or send a snail-mail card. It’s “the time of year” for reconnecting!Leverage the Holidays to Advance Your Job Search
Don’t waste the opportunities presented by this wonderful time of the year! Keep your job search in mind when you attend holiday gatherings, even those with your family. Don’t drone on and on about it, but – when asked! – tell people the job you want and some target employers you would like to work with.If you are unemployed, don’t let lack of employment keep you at home – “tiz the season” to network to your next job!
quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013
A lesson to be learned
The Tortoise and the Hare
The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. 'I have never yet been beaten,' said he, 'when I put forth my full speed. I challenge anyone here to race with me.'
The tortoise said quietly, 'I accept your challenge.'
'That is a good joke,' said the hare. 'I could dance around you all the way.'
'Keep your boasting until you've beaten,' answered the tortoise. 'Shall we race?'
So a course was fixed and a start was made. The hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped, and, to show his contempt for the tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise nearing the finish line, and he could not catch up in time to save the race.
Plodding wins the race.
The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. 'I have never yet been beaten,' said he, 'when I put forth my full speed. I challenge anyone here to race with me.'
The tortoise said quietly, 'I accept your challenge.'
'That is a good joke,' said the hare. 'I could dance around you all the way.'
'Keep your boasting until you've beaten,' answered the tortoise. 'Shall we race?'
So a course was fixed and a start was made. The hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped, and, to show his contempt for the tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise nearing the finish line, and he could not catch up in time to save the race.
Plodding wins the race.
terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013
Getting in contact with a long lost friend
Friends Forever:It's hard getting in contact with a long lost friend, especially if it's been years of no contact and no communication between other friends or family members on each side. However, there is a key phrase in finding that one person you cared about in the past, "Don't give up on searching."
== Steps ==
# Think and try to remember their first and possibly their middle name(s). This is your starting point. The last name may be tricky in some situations, as they might be married, divorced, or adopted and have changed it since you last saw them. They might be certain people that have paid to legally change their first and last names with the government, as this route would be impossible to track down only using the bare essentials of finding someone. Note down everything you can remember about your friend such as Date of Birth, middle initial even their hobbies and interests as this may give you a successful lead in tracking them down.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 1.jpg}}
# Get in contact with other people that knew the specific person you're searching for. Ask them questions about when they've last seen them, talked to them, or any personal information like last known email addresses or phone numbers. Just be advised that they might not give such information out, due to (the friend's) preference. Sounds obvious but it's also worth combing your address book to see if you have written down any connections to them that you have forgotten about.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 3.jpg}}
# Browse on Facebook to see if they hold an account. You can search by school, name, or email address. Browsing can be filtered by age groups, height, number of kids, gender, distance of postal code areas, and other useful information. Other social networking sites such as Myspace and Bebo are also other excellent sources to find old friends. Also consider looking at LinkedIn which is a professional contact network.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 4.jpg}}
# Search on the free people search engines such as http://find-people-free-search.com. This can save you money and provide you with a lot of relevant information.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 5.jpg}}
# Post a message on a free friend-finder board. These sites are message boards that are moderated by "search angels" or volunteers with special people search tools. Put in a request and they'll go looking for you. An example of a free forum is http://consumer-warning.org/lost-friends-board.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 6.jpg}}
#Search Interest, Hobby and Occupation Relevant Websites. At the start of this article, noting down your friend's hobbies and interests was mentioned. Looking on the internet there are forums and websites dedicated to a whole host of clubs, societies and interests. Then as well as using lost friend bulletin boards, if you have a rough idea of the person's location and what they like to do, try to find a web site related to that topic. Similarly your friend's occupation might also give you a lead, there are bulletin boards and forums related to different professions from nursing through to ex forces personnel so that is another area where you could consider looking.
#Use the Electoral Roll. For those in the UK, I am unsure of the system in the US, carrying out an electoral search is the next best step if you have exhausted the resources listed above. There are three ways you can search the electoral roll.To do it for free, you have to physically go to the council offices and look through the electoral register. The other two ways require you to pay for an external company to do the work for you. It will either be in the format of a premium pay phone number where someone searches whilst you are on the phone or where you submit your details, pay a one off fee and then they contact you with the results. For a one off electoral roll search do not pay more than £5. A review of electoral roll search services is provided .
#Do Some Background Reading.
== Tips ==
*Try signing up and joining facebook groups of your old schools or search for your friends on it!
*If you are looking for an old friend there are cost effective professional services that will find your old friend for you. If you want to find them yourself then consider using marriage records. If your old friend is a woman then it can help to know where she married and what her new name is.
*There are various services for locating people, if you do decide to use a professional service to find an old friend make sure it is specific to the county you are in and the county the person you are looking for lives in.
*For some high school graduations, pamphlets list what colleges or scholarships students are planning to attend or have achieved. Using that, you'll have more of a general idea of where people are.
== Warnings ==
*Expect different reactions; as they might have had a grudge on you from past experiences and may have disconnected the friendship for a reason, they might have wanted to move on from the past and wouldn't consider rekindling a friendship now, or they might just become your friend or best friend again.
*There is a big Classmates.com warning about memberships. Once you pay for membership, it automatically goes as auto-renewal and it is known as one of the hardest subscriptions to get out of.
== Sources and Citations ==
*[http://www.classmates.com Classmates.com]
*[http://www.myspace.com Myspace Homepage]
*[http://www.facebook.com Facebook Homepage]
Have fun and good lucky.
== Steps ==
# Think and try to remember their first and possibly their middle name(s). This is your starting point. The last name may be tricky in some situations, as they might be married, divorced, or adopted and have changed it since you last saw them. They might be certain people that have paid to legally change their first and last names with the government, as this route would be impossible to track down only using the bare essentials of finding someone. Note down everything you can remember about your friend such as Date of Birth, middle initial even their hobbies and interests as this may give you a successful lead in tracking them down.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 1.jpg}}
# Get in contact with other people that knew the specific person you're searching for. Ask them questions about when they've last seen them, talked to them, or any personal information like last known email addresses or phone numbers. Just be advised that they might not give such information out, due to (the friend's) preference. Sounds obvious but it's also worth combing your address book to see if you have written down any connections to them that you have forgotten about.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 3.jpg}}
# Browse on Facebook to see if they hold an account. You can search by school, name, or email address. Browsing can be filtered by age groups, height, number of kids, gender, distance of postal code areas, and other useful information. Other social networking sites such as Myspace and Bebo are also other excellent sources to find old friends. Also consider looking at LinkedIn which is a professional contact network.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 4.jpg}}
# Search on the free people search engines such as http://find-people-free-search.com. This can save you money and provide you with a lot of relevant information.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 5.jpg}}
# Post a message on a free friend-finder board. These sites are message boards that are moderated by "search angels" or volunteers with special people search tools. Put in a request and they'll go looking for you. An example of a free forum is http://consumer-warning.org/lost-friends-board.{{largeimage|FindOldFriend Step 6.jpg}}
#Search Interest, Hobby and Occupation Relevant Websites. At the start of this article, noting down your friend's hobbies and interests was mentioned. Looking on the internet there are forums and websites dedicated to a whole host of clubs, societies and interests. Then as well as using lost friend bulletin boards, if you have a rough idea of the person's location and what they like to do, try to find a web site related to that topic. Similarly your friend's occupation might also give you a lead, there are bulletin boards and forums related to different professions from nursing through to ex forces personnel so that is another area where you could consider looking.
#Use the Electoral Roll. For those in the UK, I am unsure of the system in the US, carrying out an electoral search is the next best step if you have exhausted the resources listed above. There are three ways you can search the electoral roll.To do it for free, you have to physically go to the council offices and look through the electoral register. The other two ways require you to pay for an external company to do the work for you. It will either be in the format of a premium pay phone number where someone searches whilst you are on the phone or where you submit your details, pay a one off fee and then they contact you with the results. For a one off electoral roll search do not pay more than £5. A review of electoral roll search services is provided .
#Do Some Background Reading.
== Tips ==
*Try signing up and joining facebook groups of your old schools or search for your friends on it!
*If you are looking for an old friend there are cost effective professional services that will find your old friend for you. If you want to find them yourself then consider using marriage records. If your old friend is a woman then it can help to know where she married and what her new name is.
*There are various services for locating people, if you do decide to use a professional service to find an old friend make sure it is specific to the county you are in and the county the person you are looking for lives in.
*For some high school graduations, pamphlets list what colleges or scholarships students are planning to attend or have achieved. Using that, you'll have more of a general idea of where people are.
== Warnings ==
*Expect different reactions; as they might have had a grudge on you from past experiences and may have disconnected the friendship for a reason, they might have wanted to move on from the past and wouldn't consider rekindling a friendship now, or they might just become your friend or best friend again.
*There is a big Classmates.com warning about memberships. Once you pay for membership, it automatically goes as auto-renewal and it is known as one of the hardest subscriptions to get out of.
== Sources and Citations ==
*[http://www.classmates.com Classmates.com]
*[http://www.myspace.com Myspace Homepage]
*[http://www.facebook.com Facebook Homepage]
Have fun and good lucky.
quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013
sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013
terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013
Why A Man Should Never Complain.
Why A Man Should Never Complain.
A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.
He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed, "Dear Lord, I go to
work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home.
I want her to know what I go through, so please create a trade in our bodies.
" God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish.
The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast
for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed
their lunches, drove them to school, came home and picked up the dry cleaning, took it to
the cleaners and stopped at the bank to draw out money to pay the power bill and
telephone bill, drove to the power company and the phone company and paid the bills,
went grocery shopping, came home and put away the groceries.
He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog. Then it was already 1 p.m. and he hurried
to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home.
Set out cookies and milk and got the kids organized to do their homework, then set up the
ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing.
At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing greens for salad, breaded the pork chops
and snapped fresh beans for supper. After supper he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher,
folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed. At 9 p.m. he was exhausted and,
though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love
-- which he managed to get through without complaint.
The next morning he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said,
"Lord, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay
home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back."
The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I
will be happy to change things back to the way they were. You'll have to wait 9 months,
though. You got pregnant last night!"
sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2013
segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013
Two powerful tools
Silence and smiles are two powerful tools
♥~"Silence and smiles are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid many problems.~ ♥

quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013
English as a global language, a good or bad thing?
by AnnaMaria Smolander
The English language is everywhere. The language of most of the Internet sites around the world is English. We are using this language to write our articles on this site, even though I am positive that English is not the first language of everybody using this website. It is not my first language, I come from Finland. I learned English at school. It is the most widely studied language in the world.
It is the language of media, medicine and business. Computing uses English as does the international airtraffic control. But is the spread of this language a good thing or a bad one, is the spread of one such a powerful language a disadvantage or an advantage?
This is a difficult question to answer. Academics in the field of linguistics have tried to find the best solution for this puzzle for decades now. One disadvantage which is often mentioned in this context is the fact that many languages have died because of the spread of English. Many still have lost a large number of speakers and are bound to be doomed in the near future. These are the disadvantages, and while they certainly seem gloomy, there are many advantages of having a global language.
Doctors, for instance, from around the world can communicate with each other while using one language. As a consequence of numerous people knowing this language there are less misunderstandings which of course in medicine could be fatal. People from all corners of the world can communicate easier because they share a common language. Media can more easily tell us the most recent news from all over the world. People can use the Internet as a tool for research, which means more people are being educated about different issues.
I am happy that my son will speak this wonderful language as his first language, I am sure that I will learn a lot from him when he enters school in the UK. However, I wish that my son would also be able to speak Finnish as this is my mother tongue. It is important for a person's identity to remember their roots, and language is a very integral part of one's identity. Are people whose languages are being lost because of the dominance of the English language losing their identities then? As you can see
the question is a difficult one to answer, and in my opinion there is no right or wrong answer.
Source: http://www.helium.com/items/146578englishasagloballanguageagoodorbadthing
by AnnaMaria Smolander
The English language is everywhere. The language of most of the Internet sites around the world is English. We are using this language to write our articles on this site, even though I am positive that English is not the first language of everybody using this website. It is not my first language, I come from Finland. I learned English at school. It is the most widely studied language in the world.
It is the language of media, medicine and business. Computing uses English as does the international airtraffic control. But is the spread of this language a good thing or a bad one, is the spread of one such a powerful language a disadvantage or an advantage?
This is a difficult question to answer. Academics in the field of linguistics have tried to find the best solution for this puzzle for decades now. One disadvantage which is often mentioned in this context is the fact that many languages have died because of the spread of English. Many still have lost a large number of speakers and are bound to be doomed in the near future. These are the disadvantages, and while they certainly seem gloomy, there are many advantages of having a global language.
Doctors, for instance, from around the world can communicate with each other while using one language. As a consequence of numerous people knowing this language there are less misunderstandings which of course in medicine could be fatal. People from all corners of the world can communicate easier because they share a common language. Media can more easily tell us the most recent news from all over the world. People can use the Internet as a tool for research, which means more people are being educated about different issues.
I am happy that my son will speak this wonderful language as his first language, I am sure that I will learn a lot from him when he enters school in the UK. However, I wish that my son would also be able to speak Finnish as this is my mother tongue. It is important for a person's identity to remember their roots, and language is a very integral part of one's identity. Are people whose languages are being lost because of the dominance of the English language losing their identities then? As you can see
the question is a difficult one to answer, and in my opinion there is no right or wrong answer.
Source: http://www.helium.com/items/146578englishasagloballanguageagoodorbadthing
terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013
Being Optimistic
Train Your Brain to Be Optimistic
♥~"Which one are you? Are you tired of life leaving you behind, and regretting the fact that if you just refused to be so pessimistic, that you could be much further along in your life right now? If so, it may be time to turn a new leaf. After all there isnt much sense in living a life that you yourself know isnt really worth living. So make a pledge to yourself and give it some importance. Tell someone you love that you are going to stop being so caught up in your own fear that you forget to live. What has being pessimistic ever offered you in your life that you could have probably gotten with much more ease if you just chose to be more optimistic along the way? Look for the positive and do your best to avoid thinking and living negatively on a day to day basis. Be an optimist, and really get a good vision for how you will live an optimistic life.~ ♥Love Quotes - My blogs.
terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2013
Happy Valentine's Day
When two people are meant for each other
*♥~"**When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, no one can ever tear them apart. Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building. Your brain tells you it is not a good idea, but your heart tells you, you can fly.~ ♥*segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013
The Art of Teaching
The Art of Teaching
by Mortimer J. Adler, Ph.D.
by Mortimer J. Adler, Ph.D.
Socrates gives
us a basic insight into the nature of teaching when he compares the art of
teaching to the ancient craft of the midwife. Just as the midwife assists the
body to give birth to new life, so the teacher assists the mind to deliver
itself of ideas, knowledge, and understanding. The essential notion here is
that teaching is a humble, helping art. The teacher does not produce knowledge or
stuff ideas into an empty, passive mind. It is the learner, not the teacher,
who is the active producer of knowledge and ideas.
One basic
aspect of teaching is not found in the other two cooperative arts that work
with organic nature. Teaching always involves a relation between the mind of
one person and the mind of another. The teacher is not merely a talking book,
an animated phonograph record, broadcast to an unknown audience. He enters into
a dialogue with his student. This dialogue goes far beyond mere
"talk," for a good deal of what is taught is transmitted almost
unconsciously in the personal interchange between teacher and student. We might
get by with encyclopaedias, phonograph records, and TV broadcasts if it were
not for this intangible element, which is present in every good teacher-student
The student's response and
growth is the only reward suitable for such a labor of love. Teaching, the
highest of the ministerial or cooperative arts, is devoted to the good of
others. It is an act of supreme generosity. St. Augustine calls it the greatest
act of charity.
quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2013
Game of Thrones
Join us and have a great time.
Fã que sou dessa série, não poderia postar o resumo dessa produção sem deixar aqui minhas impressões acerca desse fenômeno da HBO. Cinco livros lidos, aguardando o sexto e conforme Martin,o autor, talvez o derradeiro. Então vamos lá: a produção é mesmo magestosa e sim, muito fiel à obra. Ainda que com um certo exagero na exibição de cenas de sexo, violência, nudez, etc isso ocorre dentro de um contexto e ficam em segundo plano dada a qualidade da história que é contagiante.
O elenco é impecável, escolha bastante criteriosa , não existindo um protagonista fixo, todos têm sua importância, um destaque na trama. São personagens sensíveis, ousados, inteligentes, estrategistas, irreverentes.
Destaque também para o figurino, irretocável, e para todo o clima de magia que envolve o enredo. Abaixo, um resumo da série caso você ainda não faça parte desse fã clube. Join us and have a great time.
"Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Political and sexual intrigue is pervasive. Robert Baratheon, King of Westeros, asks his old friend Eddard, Lord Stark, to serve as Hand of the King, or highest official. Secretly warned that the previous Hand was assassinated, Eddard accepts in order to investigate further. Meanwhile the Queen's family, the Lannisters, may be hatching a plot to take power. Across the sea, the last members of the previous and deposed ruling family, the Targaryens, are also scheming to regain the throne. The friction between the houses Stark, Lannister and Baratheon, and with the remaining great houses Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, and Tyrell, leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Amidst the war and political confusion, a neglected military order of misfits, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and icy horrors beyond." Written by Tfilm78 and Cajunman
domingo, 19 de maio de 2013
sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013
Some polite rules at internet from Netiquette
Here are some tips of etiquetes at internet. they are useful. Pass them on.
Rule 1: Remember the Human
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Rule 1: Remember the Human
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013
Teaching vocabulary by Jeremy Harmer
Why are words so important?
Words are what a language is made of. Their meaning, how they related to each other, what the other words they like to be with, how we can bend and twist their meaning to our own advantage.These are the things that make language fun, creative, humanistic. There are many vocabulary books available and being written about the topic vocabulary. But vocabulary is more than merely lists. In the first place meaning is a slippery concept. Secondly students need to know the ways words are formed, how we can change a verb into a noun, or if a word can be made into an adjective and so on. Perhaps the best vocabulary exercises are reading and listening lots and lots of reading and listening and if the students are motivated, the words they meet there are likely to be better learned and acquired. Other ways of teaching vocabulary are by showing objects or pictures, listing a number of things in categories such as vegetables, or music or matching words with definitions, fill-ins, and so on.
(JH is a teacher trainer and materials writer who has worked extensively in the UK and Mexico and led training sessions all over the world.)
terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013
quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2013
A Hug Certificate for You
Gift Certificate to you from ME!
A Hug Certificate for You!
If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own;
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone.
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things, I'm finding,
Are impossible for me.
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A friend who's always there..
quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2013
A little bit about grammar.Shall we?
I know, I know. Everything concerned to grammar usually makes people turn noses up. Lets try to understand why grammar is so important.Jeremy Harmer is a teacher trainer and materials writer. He has worked extensively in the UK and Mexico and has books published by Longman. He has an interesting opinion about this subject and states that teachers are interested in grammar, but students are not and prefer exercises like fill-ins and sentences completions. Although, we can't abandon any approaches to grammar but it does suggest that teachers should be sensitive to such needs.
Choosing methods and activities pragmatically .Sometimes a simple situation which provokes five or six models sentences seems to be an ideal way to expose students to some new grammar, e.g. six things that somebody does every day to teach the present simple, a passage with several ways of talking about the past or a list of adjectives and theirs comparative forms .
Deal with it is very important. Grammar is the study or use of the rules about how words change their form and combines with other words to make sentences(Cambridge Int Dictionary). Without this we would not be able to string words together in any
meaningful way. See you.
sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013
One-Moment Meditation How to Meditate in a Moment - YouTube.flv
Look at this. We can learn while we relax. We relax while we learn. Good, isn't it? Love, Cleo.
segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013
The happy side of life
How to make flowers grow where there are only ashes?
How to make a closed heart open for joy?
If you find a person like this, patience. Let him talk and expose his feelings.
But show him, the cheerful side of life and trust in time. Time will, little by little,
clear the ideas, like the dirt that stays on the botton of the waters.
Do not let the discouragement of the others put you down.
Those who trust in God win the discouragement.
Thoughts of the book "Peace Every Day" by Lourival Lopes
Have a worderful week. Cleo.
quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013
New methods and techniques of teaching and learning a foreign language Technological Devices
Nowadays we all belong to the hightech generation. We are the digital generation indeed. We're inserted in a world surrounded by computers, notebooks, i-pods, dateshow, pendrivers, internet, e-boards, celphones, smartphones and so on. Tech devices are important tools to help teachers. When to use it or how to use it, in benefit of students, is the question. This modern way of teaching and learning a foreign language is a result of a natural process of evolution, although, sometimes, we find teachers that resist to change i/o trying to adapt themselves.Different methods and techniques can bring conflicts but it can be constructive to achieve success on practice and on dealing with teacher's routine tasks. Students need a motivation to learn and hightech can mean a big and pleasant approach. Approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural and a technique can be implemented.Common sense will tell how and how much to use those sources.New high tech devices mean more dynamic and appealing classes but can also represents a time consuming that requires special attention.Educators must find the balance and have always a dominion over the contents and prepare it well and in advance.See you.
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