Ronnie Ann, from Coach Work Cafe wrote once something very interesting that I couldn't agree more. Below,his opinnion about the hard task of searching for a job.
"I often hear from readers who have been looking for a job for months and even years. And I can’t help thinking that no matter how talented you are, when you can’t find a job and that continues far longer than you ever imagined, you start to edit your own memories of how good you are.
If no one wants you (or so it seems) then maybe they know something you don’t. At least that’s the kind of self-doubt that begins to creep in. Even normally confident people start to question their value – and wonder if they’ll EVER get a job again. (You will.
Have I been there at some point in my own career? Absolutely. (More than once in fact. ) And I’ll bet most of you have too.
A prolonged job search starts to eat at you. The longer you go without getting an actual offer, the harder it is to walk into that next interview brimming with self-confidence and an aura of success. And if you are feeling any of this, please just know you are not alone.
The other thing I want you to know is you are just as talented and capable and job-worthy as you were before all this began. Maybe even more so now because you’ve learned tremendous patience and how to cope with ridiculous business processes.
No matter how many “nos” you get, you only need one YES…and it’s coming. It just likes to take its own sweet time getting here.
Hope you liked it . See you, Cleo.
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