Hi fellows. Everything's okay? Today I wd like to talk about how to study for the exam "vestibular". There are many tips you can follow to succeed .
Hope you enjoy. Good studies. Good luck.
Então, turminha, navegando por aí andei garimpando algumas dicas para estudo específico para o vestibular. Há um texto com ótimas dicas publicado pela Folha de São Paulo (long time ago), há um tempão, mas que continua muito atual. Guardei com carinho porque achei que um dia seria mesmo útil e com certeza irá ajudar você nos exames. Boa sorte e bons estudos. Cléo.
Saiba como estudar inglês para o vestibular
da Folha de S.Paulo
A leitura de textos em inglês é a principal forma de estudar a matéria.
• Procure principalmente textos sobre temas atuais em revistas e jornais estrangeiros
• Textos em português também podem ajudar, pois dão uma noção sobre assuntos que podem ser tratados no vestibular, além de permitir o desenvolvimento da capacidade de interpretação de uma forma geral
• Utilize sempre o dicionário para procurar as palavras que não conhece
• Tente contextualizar as palavras novas. Não adianta tentar decorar, por exemplo, uma lista de "phrasal verbs" sem tentar montar orações e, assim, dar um sentido para elas
• Não descuide da gramática. Mesmo sendo pouco cobrada, ela é importante para a compreensão dos textos
• Se você não tem o hábito de ler textos em inglês, comece por assuntos que de seu interesse
• Se for estudar por meio da tecla SAP da TV ou por meio das legendas em inglês de filmes em DVD, não assista passivamente, anote as palavras desconhecidas e verifique no dicionário seus significados
• Se, na hora da prova, for cobrada uma palavra que você não conhece, não se desespere. Tente entender o contexto e leia os enunciados das questões e as alternativas, pois a tradução pode estar escrita na própria prova
• Mesmo que você tenha freqüentado por anos escolas de inglês e acha que sabe muito bem a matéria, não deixe de estudar, pois há outros candidatos nessa mesma situação. Um pouco de estudo a mais pode ser a diferença para a sua aprovação.
Be welcome to OES's blog. This is a blog specially made for you. Here you can learn, share knowledge, make a research,socialize, play some games and so on.In addition you'll find some tips on how to improve english language.Orion: english for you, english for everyone. Enjoy it.See you.
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segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2012
sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012
Ronnie Ann, from Coach Work Cafe wrote once something very interesting that I couldn't agree more. Below,his opinnion about the hard task of searching for a job.
"I often hear from readers who have been looking for a job for months and even years. And I can’t help thinking that no matter how talented you are, when you can’t find a job and that continues far longer than you ever imagined, you start to edit your own memories of how good you are.
If no one wants you (or so it seems) then maybe they know something you don’t. At least that’s the kind of self-doubt that begins to creep in. Even normally confident people start to question their value – and wonder if they’ll EVER get a job again. (You will.
Have I been there at some point in my own career? Absolutely. (More than once in fact. ) And I’ll bet most of you have too.
A prolonged job search starts to eat at you. The longer you go without getting an actual offer, the harder it is to walk into that next interview brimming with self-confidence and an aura of success. And if you are feeling any of this, please just know you are not alone.
The other thing I want you to know is you are just as talented and capable and job-worthy as you were before all this began. Maybe even more so now because you’ve learned tremendous patience and how to cope with ridiculous business processes.
No matter how many “nos” you get, you only need one YES…and it’s coming. It just likes to take its own sweet time getting here.
Hope you liked it . See you, Cleo.
"I often hear from readers who have been looking for a job for months and even years. And I can’t help thinking that no matter how talented you are, when you can’t find a job and that continues far longer than you ever imagined, you start to edit your own memories of how good you are.
If no one wants you (or so it seems) then maybe they know something you don’t. At least that’s the kind of self-doubt that begins to creep in. Even normally confident people start to question their value – and wonder if they’ll EVER get a job again. (You will.
Have I been there at some point in my own career? Absolutely. (More than once in fact. ) And I’ll bet most of you have too.
A prolonged job search starts to eat at you. The longer you go without getting an actual offer, the harder it is to walk into that next interview brimming with self-confidence and an aura of success. And if you are feeling any of this, please just know you are not alone.
The other thing I want you to know is you are just as talented and capable and job-worthy as you were before all this began. Maybe even more so now because you’ve learned tremendous patience and how to cope with ridiculous business processes.
No matter how many “nos” you get, you only need one YES…and it’s coming. It just likes to take its own sweet time getting here.
Hope you liked it . See you, Cleo.
segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012
Lets improve our conversation
Today we are going to talk about how to agree or disagree when we are having a conversation. Lets?
Agreeing and disagreeing It's not as difficult as we think. We just need to become familiar with useful English words, phrases and expressions. This exercise will help you with telling someone that you agree or disagree with their opinion.
"I think you're right.""I agree with you."
Strong agreement
"I couldn't agree with you more.""You're absolutely right.""I agree entirely.""I totally agree."
Agreeing in part
"I agree with you up to a point, but...""That's quite true, but...""I agree with you in principle, but..."
"I'm not sure I agree with you.""(I'm afraid) I don't agree.""(I'm afraid) I disagree.""(I'm afraid) I can't agree with you.""(I'm afraid) I don't share your opinion."
Note that when we disagree with someone, we can often sound more polite by using a phrase such as "I'm afraid..."
Disagreeing strongly
"I don't agree at all.""I totally disagree.""I couldn't agree with you less."
See you. Cleo.
segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012
Inspirational quotes
Inspirational Quotes(From EnglishTown)
There is a famous expression in English: When the going gets tough, the tough get going meaning when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge.
Its amazing how strong the human spirit is. And its amazing how, just when you think you cant carry on anymore, one small phrase can give you the strength you need.
We all have times in our lives when inspirational phrases such as these can help us through. So, in the interest of getting the tough going, here are a few phrases:
1. Keep perspective:
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
2. Never give up:
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. (Dale Carnegie)
3. Overcome failure:
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. (Confucius)
4. Inner strength:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
5. And of course, courage:
Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. (Christopher Robin to Pooh A.A.Milne)
Next time you are in a difficult situation, remember youre more than you think you are use words to give you strength.
Vocabulário do texto:
Accomplish conquistar
Difficult time momento difícil
Get tough ficar duro, ficar dificultoso
Going through passar (por algo, por alguma situação)
Inner strength força interna
Keep perspective mantenha a perspectiva
Meet the challenge estar à altura do desafio
Never give up nunca desista
Overcome failure Supere as derrotas
Rise erguer-se, levantar
Tough algo difícil ou alguém durão, forte
domingo, 6 de maio de 2012
Where can we find happiness?
Being happy is a question of attitude. It’s like to face a problem, already decided to find the best solution. It is also a matter of intelligence. We certainly save time and energy when we put lamentations away and extends soon for a constructive action. Being happy is also a question of optics. Customarily,, we chose to see negative points where there are lots of opportunities to be conquered. Happiness is something that we, human beings, seek incessantly, and rarely thank for what we have already.. Why? Because we have the habit of linking our happiness to future events: If I pass the exam, ... If I get a new job, ... If I buy a new car, ..These are expectations we have created and that prevent us from considering as happiness what we have and what we enjoy at present. IIt’s also a matter of using more optimism, without necessarily be drowned in dreams. We do not need to be "Poliana", doing the eternal game of happyness, but it’s healthier, it is practical and promising when we extract the good side of the facts, the positive points of daily events. Life is a gift of God's loving. We have in our hands a blank book where every day we have the chance to write a new page; a marvellous opportunity that sometimes we see as a burden , making us blind to the miracles around us like the numerous gifts we receive from nature, always so generous and available, the affection of our friends, the unconditional love of our parents, sons, husbands, wives, partners, our brothers of blood and heart.We have plenty of reasons to celebrate. What we need is to change concepts, slow down our steps, calm our minds and enjoy this great adventure of being happy.
domingo, 22 de abril de 2012
Ponctuation: It's true, it's interesting.
Punctuation: A Matter of Life and Death
I know that language evolves over time. I know that means that things like spelling and punctuation change. But sometimes, it's really just easier if we follow the rules. I would like to present the following evidence that punctuation can be a matter of life and death:
Exibhit A:
A panda walks into a cafe, sits down, and orders a sandwich and a drink. After he finishes his meal, he stands up, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter. The manager shouts, "Hey! Why did you just shoot my waiter?!" The panda tosses him a poorly-punctuated wildlife manual and says, "I'm a panda. Look it up." So the manager opens the book to panda and reads: "Panda: a bear-like mammal from Asia with distinctive black-and-white markings. Eats, shoots, and leaves." **
Exhibit B:
Look at the difference between these two sentences:
"It's time to eat, Grandma!"
"It's time to eat Grandma!"
You see? Punctuation makes a difference.
**If you think this joke is funny, read Lynn Truss's book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves". It's an entertaining spin on a punctuation book.
Source: Net
I know that language evolves over time. I know that means that things like spelling and punctuation change. But sometimes, it's really just easier if we follow the rules. I would like to present the following evidence that punctuation can be a matter of life and death:
Exibhit A:
A panda walks into a cafe, sits down, and orders a sandwich and a drink. After he finishes his meal, he stands up, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter. The manager shouts, "Hey! Why did you just shoot my waiter?!" The panda tosses him a poorly-punctuated wildlife manual and says, "I'm a panda. Look it up." So the manager opens the book to panda and reads: "Panda: a bear-like mammal from Asia with distinctive black-and-white markings. Eats, shoots, and leaves." **
Exhibit B:
Look at the difference between these two sentences:
"It's time to eat, Grandma!"
"It's time to eat Grandma!"
You see? Punctuation makes a difference.
**If you think this joke is funny, read Lynn Truss's book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves". It's an entertaining spin on a punctuation book.
Source: Net
sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012
How to choose a career
Career Choice – Choosing a career and sticking with it !
Firstly, you must discover what are those standing and lasting values that make you who you are. What things interest you or what things make you want to stop as soon as you begin. Choosing a career is all about you, because if you don't know who you are as an individual, it's going to be extremely hard to convince your potential employer to entrust you with a job.
For some of us, we value our families and the ability to schedule work around life or for some it may be the need to work around certain types of people, rather than others. Whatever those values and ideals fit you, you must be comfortable with yourself and willing to try new things!
Secondly, you must figure out what you are good at and what brings out the best of your abilities. Obviously, if you are great at painting artwork, but really can't stand working outside in the scorching heat, then you probably don't want to apply for a job as a car mechanic. There are many ways to figure out what you are good at, simply just by asking yourself what are your likes and dislikes, your expectations for your dream career, and what steps you would have to take to get there.
Whenever someone comes up to me and complains about their job and how they dislike it so much, I always ask why you are still doing it. Work in a field that fits your mold and who you are, not based on pay or some other factor.
Thirdly and most importantly, do something you love! Never get lured into doing a job that makes you grumpy and angry at the world. There are too many career positions out there waiting for someone with your talents to come aboard.
Happiness in career and life to me is one of the most vital issues we should all cherish as human beings. Being happy is not only good for those who spend the most time with you, such as your spouse, kids, or friends, it's also good for your health, happiness, and well-being. Like I said before, a great career is not just for the rich and famous, it's for all of us.
Some of us have wealthy parents and can just inherit money or work for them, while others have to work their hardest to earn a decent living. But whatever the case may be, your dreams and goals can come true in life, no matter your age, race, or any other factor. Just remember to set goals, aim high, and never give up! You have to be willing to be an innovator and a visionist in your quest to find that dream career. In the words of Robert Byrne, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
Career Choice – Choosing a career and sticking with it !
Firstly, you must discover what are those standing and lasting values that make you who you are. What things interest you or what things make you want to stop as soon as you begin. Choosing a career is all about you, because if you don't know who you are as an individual, it's going to be extremely hard to convince your potential employer to entrust you with a job.
For some of us, we value our families and the ability to schedule work around life or for some it may be the need to work around certain types of people, rather than others. Whatever those values and ideals fit you, you must be comfortable with yourself and willing to try new things!
Secondly, you must figure out what you are good at and what brings out the best of your abilities. Obviously, if you are great at painting artwork, but really can't stand working outside in the scorching heat, then you probably don't want to apply for a job as a car mechanic. There are many ways to figure out what you are good at, simply just by asking yourself what are your likes and dislikes, your expectations for your dream career, and what steps you would have to take to get there.
Whenever someone comes up to me and complains about their job and how they dislike it so much, I always ask why you are still doing it. Work in a field that fits your mold and who you are, not based on pay or some other factor.
Thirdly and most importantly, do something you love! Never get lured into doing a job that makes you grumpy and angry at the world. There are too many career positions out there waiting for someone with your talents to come aboard.
Happiness in career and life to me is one of the most vital issues we should all cherish as human beings. Being happy is not only good for those who spend the most time with you, such as your spouse, kids, or friends, it's also good for your health, happiness, and well-being. Like I said before, a great career is not just for the rich and famous, it's for all of us.
Some of us have wealthy parents and can just inherit money or work for them, while others have to work their hardest to earn a decent living. But whatever the case may be, your dreams and goals can come true in life, no matter your age, race, or any other factor. Just remember to set goals, aim high, and never give up! You have to be willing to be an innovator and a visionist in your quest to find that dream career. In the words of Robert Byrne, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2012
Have a Happy New Year
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